Division C, District 76, Toastmasters

What's new(最新情報)

Visit our clubs(見学にお越しください)

There are 25 clubs in Division C. Find the best club for you here!

Division Cには25のクラブ。あなたにピッタリなクラブを見つけてください。


Main Meeting Segments(主なミーティングの要素)

Prepared Speech Session(準備スピーチ): Some members deliver prepared speeches based on the Toastmasters education program "Pathways." Those speeches are usually 5-7 minutes long, and varies in themes and purposes.



Evaluation Session(論評): Each prepared speech is evaluated by an evaluator, who commend the speakers on the things well done and make some suggestions for further improvement.



Table Topics Session(テーブルトピックス): This is for members and possibly guests to practice impromptu speeches. Topics are provided and a speaker is called upon. You can practice speaking off the cuff.



Meeting roles(ミーティングでの役割)

Members take turns serving in different roles during the meetings. This provides additional opportunities to practice public speaking and leadership skills.



Toastmaster of the Day(総合司会) is the facilitator of the education portion of the meeting. They lead members in their preparation for the meeting as well.



General Evaluator(総合論評) is the leader of the evaluation team. Evaluation is an important part of our learning because we learn by giving and receiving peer feedback.



Topicsmaster(トピックスマスター) facilitates the Table Topics Session.



Timer(計時係) times all speeches during the meeting and show timing signals to let the speaker know the passage of time.



Grammarian(文法係) pays attention to the speakers' language use and report both words/phrases that are effectively used and errors and mistakes.



Ah-Counter(えーとカウンター) pays attention to unnecessary utterances such as fillers and unintentional repetitions and provide feedback.
